Dental Implants


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Dental implants are the ideal permanent solution for patients living with tooth loss. At Trumbull Premier Dental, we offer high-quality tooth implants in Trumbull. Schedule a free consultation with our dental implant specialists to learn more.

Endosteal Implants

Endosteal implants are the most common type in modern dentistry. These implants consist of two primary portions. The main structure is a titanium screw that is inserted into the jawbone. This screw will secure a supporting post that is used to keep the prosthetic tooth securely in place. Some endosteal implants will support a single tooth, while others can be used to support multiple teeth. Since the implant receives support from the jawbone, it does a good job of keeping the new teeth steady and secure.

All-on-4 Implants

When severe tooth loss occurs, it may be necessary to replace an entire row of lost teeth. All-on-4 implants support an entire row of new teeth using just four strategically placed dental implants. This will eliminate the need to install an implant for each and every missing tooth. Since fewer implants are used, the patient will enjoy a quicker recovery time, and there is a reduced likelihood of implant failure. After treatment, the new teeth will remain steady in place.


Teeth-in-a-Day implants are unique because they allow a patient to receive dental implants and a set of replacement teeth in just one visit. These implants are installed using a specialized technique that minimizes recovery time and allows prosthetic teeth to be installed immediately following the procedure. The patient can then be fitted with a temporary restoration that functions normally. Meanwhile, a permanent customized restoration will be constructed in a dental laboratory. The patient will then return when their permanent new teeth are ready. The temporary restoration will be removed, and the patient will be fitted with a brand-new set of permanent, natural-looking teeth.

Tooth loss is one of the most troubling oral health conditions that a person can experience. When the problem occurs, it can ruin the appearance of their smile, and it makes chewing and speaking incredibly difficult. Additionally, if the problem is left untreated, it can result in further issues. These issues include bite imbalance, tooth shifts, facial structure loss and the deterioration of the jawbone. Because of these issues, missing teeth should be replaced as quickly as possible. Dental implants represent one of the best ways to replace an individual’s missing teeth and restore their smile.

Dental implants are titanium metal structures that are surgically inserted into the jawbone and essentially serve as artificial tooth roots. Depending upon the type, dental implants can replace a single missing tooth or multiple missing teeth. A great benefit from dental implants is that they feel remarkably natural, and they allow replacement teeth to feel nearly identical to natural ones. Also, since the titanium metal fuses with the jawbone over time, the replacement teeth will slowly begin to feel more and more natural.

At Trumbull Premier Dental, we provide endosteal implants, All-on-4 implants and Teeth-in-a-Day.

If you are suffering from tooth loss, dental implants may be able to help you replace your missing teeth and restore the look of your smile. You may call us at (203) 374-4300 to schedule an appointment.

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